Church Announcements

Hello Hanmaum EM!  

Please be on the lookout for announcement posts via our social media for changes involving our meeting situation. Feel free to email us at if you have any questions regarding our church or any of the announcements below.

  1. Pastor Danny’s ordination will be held on May 12th at 4:30pm! Please join us for this special service to congratulate Danny and pray for him.

  2. Durham Rescue Mission on the last Saturday of the month (5/25). Please sign up at!

  3. Youth ministry is recruiting teachers and volunteers. Please talk to Pastor Danny if you're interested! 

  4. Baby Dedication on May 5th after the 11:30am (KM) service. 

  5. For offering, please include your full name, offering #, and type (tithe, thanksgiving, Sunday, etc.) in the description. Please reply to this email if you need an offering #.
    Venmo @Hanmaum-RTP-Church

  6. How can we pray for you? Please fill out prayer request forms at the welcoming table.


5/01/2024 - Prayer Meeting: @ 8:00 PM (Shimtuh)

5/03/2024 - FNBS @ 7:00 PM (Fellowship Hall)

5/05/2024 - Baby Dedication @ 11:30 AM (Main Sanctuary)

5/12/2024 - Pastor Danny’s Ordination @ 4:30 PM (Main Sanctuary)

That's it for this week! Follow our social media (Instagram, Facebook) for updates as well. Have a blessed week everyone!